What does readings or reports contain?
readings or reports contain an audio clip (through email). The second method is through call skype or gmeet or zoom. There is no fixed time limit. While registering birth details you can choose the best suited option.
What happens after I book?
once you are done with ​the payment ,register your details by clicking on reading->register. You shall receive the receipt & registration message.
When will I receive my reading?
you will receive your reading between 2-5 days.​

What payments do you accept?
payments are made by paypal in case of USD. UPI & BANK TRANSFER only in case of INR.
What can I do, if I do not have the mentioned payment mode?
you can contact us through chat section or contact form about it. Further we can suggest other solutions to it.
Do you offer refunds?
no we do not offer refunds.
Right to refuse.
I reserve the right to refuse if i do not feel appropriate to do a particular reading.
Is it secure to pay through this website?
payments through this site are 100% secured. We have secure and authentic gateways connected to the website. ​