sun affliction along with cluster for December, 2019

On 25th December 2019, there shall be a cluster formation in Sagittarius zodiac sign.
“Cluster means conjunction of more than 2 or 3 planets in one sign. Jupiter, moon, mercury & sun in mula nakshatra along with saturn, ketu and pluto in purvashadha nakshatra in the sign of Sagittarius”
Cluster means when there is a concentration of energy on that particular sign and the house where it is placed. This concentration of energy can over power that zodiac sign and it's placement. Since, it is taking place in Sagittarius that is a firey and a satvik sign. The most divine of the firey signs. It is a sign that connects with divine power & knowledge. So, this shall be a powerful cluster for the year.
I've been watching all over the television about the priests and astrologers following ancient astrology scaring shit out of people that a war might take place or something destructive may happen in people's life.